You won't pay unnecessary fees
When you book vacation rentals on VRBO, HomeAway, Airbnb, and other online travel booking sites, you will see a "service fee" - this is an additional fee on top of a taxes and reservation fees that is charged to you. This fee can be an additional amount of up to 10% of your reservation. Don't pay this unnecessary booking fee! When you book your Breckenridge vacation rental directly on our website, you instantly save money by not having to pay this extra fee.
Save money with repeat guest discounts
We value our guests, and that means that we offer a repeat guest discount for those who stay with us again. Ask us about our repeat guest discount when you are booking and you can save at least 5% off your vacation rental.
We are locals and love Summit County!
Not only does our entire staff live in Summit, our reservationists are situated at our Main Street office location, and we can see Breckenridge Ski Resort from our windows. We know the area, we know our properties and we can work with you to provide the very best accommodations for your stay in Summit County. When booking with third party sites, you run the risk of talking to a reservationist that does not know Summit, and does not know our properties. Plus, when booking directly with us, let us plan a memorable experience. We can help arrange ski rentals, lift tickets, transportation to and from the airport, local services like child care, and more.
We have been in business for over 27 years
Booking directly with us means supporting a local company that has been an established business in Summit County for 27 years! We have hand picked each property due to proximity to the mountain and downtown, quality of the property, access to amenities like private hot tubs and more. Have the peace of mind knowing that you are booking directly with the company who manages these properties every day.