OPENING DAY IS NOVEMBER 13TH! Things may look a little different this year, but with safety as a top priority, we can still enjoy the 2020/2021 Winter Season in Breckenridge, Colorado! We're pumped to welcome the snow, and by following some new protocol set forth by our town and mountain, we can focus on staying positive for what will still be an epic season. Breckenridge Ski Resort has created guidelines for the upcoming Winter Season to ensure guest safety and to help keep our mountain town strong and healthy. Here's what you need to know:
1. Wear your Mask
Face coverings will be required to access the mountain for guests 3 yrs and older. Guests are required to wear their masks while indoors, in lift lines, during ski and snowboard lessons and on chairlifts and gondolas. Face coverings are not required during the physical acts of actually skiing and snowboarding if guests make sure to maintain proper physical distance from others.
The good news is that most snow dwellers are familiar with covering their faces while skiing or riding anyways! Breckenridge Ski Resort will allow neck gaiters and buffs - as long as they cover the guest's mouth and nose.
2. Social Distance
While on the mountain and in public, help us keep safe by maintaining 6 feet of distance from others when possible. Breckenridge Mountain will manage capacity through their reservation system as well as the number of guests inside a restaurant at the same time.
During chairlift and gondola loading, Breck will ensure only related parties (guests who came together) will ride with one another or: two singles on opposite sides of a four-person lift; two singles or two doubles on opposite sides of a six-person lift; or two singles on opposite sides of a larger gondola.
3. Passes and Reservations
To monitor capacity and keep safety strong, Breckenridge Ski Resort will be managing on-mountain access through reservations. But, don’t worry! Breck anticipates that the mountain will be able to accommodate everyone who wants to ski or ride. The reservation system will just give pass holders peace of mind in knowing that they'll be safe on the mountain no matter which days they visit.
What this means is that guests will need to reserve their ski days, pass or no pass. If you are a pass holder, you'll be in good shape and granted priority access in reserving your ski days first. The pass holder reservation system will be available November 6, 2020 with exclusive Early Season access through December 7, 2020.
Not looking to purchase a full season pass? Guests are able to buy Epic Day Passes for up to 7 days, for early season access!
Click here for more information on passes, pass use and reservation days.
4. Lift Tickets
Guests are able to purchase lift tickets starting December 8, 2020 through the Breckenridge Ski Resort website. Lift tickets will include a reservation for a specific date. While no lift tickets will be sold during the Early Season, Epic Day Passes are available - with savings up to 50% off the daily lift ticket rate!

5. Cashless Transactions
For the safety of guests, Breckenridge Ski Resort is implementing a cashless transaction policy for the upcoming season for all hotels, restaurants, Ski and Ride School, mountain activities and other points of sales.
6. Wash your Hands Often
Help us slow the spread of germs by keeping clean! Wash your hands often and always before and after touching public surfaces.
7. Stay Home if you're Feeling Sick
We understand that you want to get out and hit the slopes - especially if you're on vacation. But, building longevity in our mountain town is an important endeavor that will enable guests to vacation here for years to come! Let's stick together and make it through this COVID-19 season.
8. Guest Quality Assurance
We are dedicated to following CDC guidelines, as well as guidelines put forth by the Town of Breckenridge, Summit County, and the State of Colorado. We have implemented new SafeHome cleaning standards that will ensure our rentals and linens are kept clean and sanitary.
Click here for more information. >

*Great Western Lodging is not affiliated with the Breckenridge Ski Resort, or Vail Resorts. Lift Tickets, Pass Holder policies, and other reservations for the 2020/2021 season is subject to change per the resort. For more information, we highly recommend reaching out the resort directly. Other restrictions and policies may apply.*
Thinking about traveling to Steamboat Springs this Winter? Check out our sister company, Retreatia.